Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Text Blog Post Entry Eight, Diploma Trip

I am going to write my memories of Unitec trip from last semester when we went to b Pt Chevalier beach , because I could not join diploma trip on 1/May/07. Pt Chevalier beach is closer than other beaches to Unitec and because of that Unitec arranges trips there at the end of the Winter semesters.

I remember well. It was the end of last semester, some students went there by Unitec's shuttles but my friend and I decided to join them in the own car. I would like to thank Mahboobeh and her hausband for picking us up. we arrived about 12 o'clock and stayed there for nearly 3 hours which went quickly, because we were all happy outside with a nice group on a sunny day.

First of all we shared our lunches which were all delicious. Unitec's staff also shared their dainty barbecued sausages with us and I am very appreciative of this, because they semmed to have put in alot of work. After lunch some of the guys played football which they enjoyed alot. We also were divided in two groups, one side was contained all women and the other side all men and played tug of war. Don't make me say who won because I'm sure you can guess.

Then we enjoyed a cup of tea which I had brought and a friendly chat with our nice teacher, Chris King, who you can see in the photo of us above. He is standing behind me the middle of the photo. As usuall he made memorable times in our minds. Its seemes as if it were yesterday, Chris was talking to us as a real friend not just a teacher and we were jocking alot.
Hopefully you had an enjoyable and a memorable trip too.

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