Monday, April 23, 2007

Text Blog Post Entry Five, My Break

I did not have a very exciting break. I stayed in Auckland with my family and spent most of my time with my 3 year old daughter to give her a good time.I took her 3 times to Waitakere swimming pool and we went several times to the park and shopping. Also it was my nice's 8th birthday on 15 of April. My sister had arranged a big party in a hall and we really enjoyed it. I needed a car but I did not have enough time to look for a suitable one.Fortunately I managed to buy a nice car in my break Also I had a lot of homework to catch up on and my daughter needed a bigger bed. I had to spend all my time to manage them . Fortunately the break was a good time for me to deal with them.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Text Blog Entry Four, narrative article

I choose this article , because I found the assualt which the man made on his former partner,too cruelly and knowing how he is going to be punished is very important to me. This report is about a 28 year old man who is accused of murdering Mrs Moana following a wild beating. They had six joint children but lived separately.According to this report Mr Kengike after beating Mrs Moana left an apologizing note behind her and then walked in to town. She was found by her relatives one day later but unfortunately the doctores enforced to turn off her life support after four days beacause of her irreversible brain damage.
There are diffrent verb forms in this text.Mostly simple past because the article reports an action about the past like (returened, walked, took, argued, didn't say ). As you can see ther are examples of simple present (love,resumes),present perfect(has heared), past perfect (had been, had invited, had given ,had left), past countinues (was living, were sleeping ), past passive (was found, were witnessed ), past perfect passive (had been tied, had been placed) and there is just one modal verb (could be).

Monday, April 2, 2007

Post Entry Two, About Me

Hi everyone
My name is Akram.I am going to write briefly about my life.I was
born in 1976 and I grew up in Tehran which is the capital city of Iran.I came to New Zealand just to join my family 2 years ago. You can see my hausband and my 3 years old daughter in the photo of me above. I like New Zealand because people are really friendly and all my family live here. I would like to improve my English first and then hopefully take a course in Interior design. My interests are walking, swimming and cooking. If you click in this link you can see a nice photo of Valiasr Rd which is situated in Tehran.I like that because of its beautiful trees. There are too many trees in the both sides of the road and they join together at the top.